To find holiday cheer in dark times like these, you need to live in the present. The present; being thoughts of those you love and what treats you might make or wrap up for them. Looks like many of us will heed the call to stay home for Thanksgiving and maybe Christmas as well. While it is tough to miss this long tradition of gathering together, making sure your loved ones stay healthy is something to be truly thankful for.
health & happiness
A wonderful gift commission I did recently; was to paint a much loved white lab that had recently passed away on a platter for a sister to give her brother. Pets can be remembered or celebrated on custom ceramic. Just contact me directly and we will come up with the perfect thing.
Happycat holiday cheer!
Our furry family keeps us happy and healthy. If I am feeling down I take a walk with Ozzy, cuddle with one of the cats or hug a goat. A cup of tea in a cheery mug is helpful too. IDEA!! Why not give a jolly handmade mug with a favorite tea or bag of local coffee? I have added 2 more designs for this season only. Happycat and Peace dove. Two for $72. Buy two sets of two and get a fifth mug to keep for yourself. Just specify which designs when you order.
Drink your tea in peace.
I’ve been making, finding and shopping for gifts. Many years I am so harried gift giving is more like a list to tick off than the action of thoughtful love for an individual to come up with a treat perfect for them. I don’t like to shop on line. Please make every effort to support small local businesses this year, trust me Amazon is doing ok. Taking that one step further… try to buy earth-friendly gifts- watch the plastic over-packaging and single use-cardboard boxed/plastic packing materials and fossil fuels to get it.
We have always shipped in reused packing materials. There are several wonderful businesses that are happy to save boxes and packing for me rather than throw it in the dumpster. When you wrap your gift up, why not be creatively green? Wrap it up with newspaper, magazines, fabric or market bags.

A gift for the planet!
More creative thinking on earth friendly living in my book: Come Together . handbook to retool for the future. Buy two for giving-get a third one to keep.
Please take time to explore my web store! Find some holiday cheer that will last all year…and beyond.
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